SaaS Product Statements Management Tool


   Duration: 5 months

   Tools: MS Team,, Figma

   My Roles: User Research, Information Architecture, Design, Prototyping

Problem Statement

Our enterprise users currently do not have an electronic method for delivering statements to their patients, forcing them to rely on conventional mail services. They are required to engage a third-party vendor to produce statements and then mail them to the patients via USPS. This process proves inefficient and wasteful, both in terms of resources and environmental impact.


In our small but dedicated team, consisting of a product manager and myself as the UX designer, it became evident that we were missing a holistic understanding of our users' specific tool needs. To address this gap and create a more user-centric solution, we took the initiative to launch a comprehensive user research phase.

Upon studying the PM's high-level user stories and gaining a solid grasp of the tool's capabilities, I crafted a user interview script to better understand our user's needs. With this in place, we contacted a selection of enterprise users who were willing to share their insights. In our discussions with these four users, we centered our inquiries on:

  • Frequency of sending statements to patients
  • Timing of statement dispatch
  • Workflow for sending statements
  • Number of staff responsible for this task

Our interviews revealed that users typically batch-sent statements without detailed review, having already audited them. Additionally, we discovered that users lacked a method to confirm patients' valid contact information before sending statements, often resulting in uncertainty about delivery.

Additionally, we discovered that users lacked a way to verify if patients had an up-to-date contact method on file before dispatching statements. Consequently, they often sent out statements without assurance of the patient's receipt.

Design & Iteration

Due to project confidentiality, I cannot provide detailed design visuals, but here are the key features included:

  • Account setup and management for electronic statement delivery.
  • Clinic management linked to each account.
  • Identification and addition of missing user contact information.
  • Versatile statement viewing with provided filters.
  • Online payment import functionality.
  • Assessment of the most effective delivery method for patient payments.

design concepts